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Brief main notes about surah Al-Kahf

Estimated read time: 1 min

Surah Kahf is the 18th Suras of the Quran. It is named after "al-Kahf", meaning "the cave", which refers to a story within the sura about the people of the cave.

Major stories and themes in Suras Al-Kahf include:


This story is about a group of young believers who took refuge in a cave to escape persecution. They fell asleep and miraculously survived for many years, waking up to change their world.

The Story of Al-Khidr and Musa:

This story tells about the meetings between Prophet Musa and a wise man known as Al-Khidr. It explores themes of knowledge and divine wisdom.

The Story of Dhul-Qarnain:

This story depicts a powerful ruler who travels to different countries and creates a barrier to protect the people from Gog-Magog.

Parable of the Rich Man and the Poor Man:

This parable illustrates the transitory nature of wealth and the importance of faith.

Surah Kahf highlights themes of faith, patience, and the transitory nature of worldly life, and it provides moral and spiritual lessons for believers. It is often recited on Fridays for blessings and protection from trials.

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